What Went Wrong With America

By September 2, 2015 Society No Comments

Life vs. Individual Freedom

It’s been quite a while since I learned what went wrong with America, why our nation is failing, but to transform my complex thoughts into simple terms, so that I could articulate what I learned in a way that most people can understand, …well, that proved to be even more of a challenge than solving this great mystery. But I think I finally arrived, so I’m going to try to explain what I discovered. In fact, I must try NOW, I can no longer wait for the necessary clarity of words to suddenly appear in my mind, because today, America is in the midst of an accelerating state of moral collapse.

America, the country I love with all of my heart, she needs help. How did the problem begin? How do we fix it? What must be done to restore our nation to her greatness, so that America can stand tall and erect, above all other nations, beaming with moral clarity? So that once again America is the “light unto all nations of the world,” the one ray of hope for all people, the one shinning star that the nations of the world must follow while on the relentless journey that will ultimately lead to the fulfillment of every human being’s greatest dream, to live in a world defined through brotherly love and happiness? I must try to articulate what I learned, NOW!

Many years ago, back in the early 1970s, I, like many people, saw a serious problem beginning to brew in America, but I was one of the few who tried to stop the bleeding, because I could see the future, and sure enough, that future eventually arrived. America today is in big trouble, but while many people know the side effects of the problem, no one as yet has publicly announced the cause, I mean, at least no one that I’ve heard about. You see, the cause of America’s problem is very well hidden, in fact, it was so well hidden back at the time our Founding Fathers drafted America’s Constitution, that it slipped right past all of their eyes and each of their minds. You see, I learned that the cause of America’s problems today, can be traced back to the very words that define America’s ideology, the phrase,”….life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

I learned that America’s two most sacred documents, the very writings that our nation looks to for moral clarity, the basis of American justice and equity, The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, are in direct conflict with one another in regard to the single most important part of both documents, and it is that conflict which defined both the future success of America as well as America’s ultimate moral collapse. You see, while the foundation of The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution were both intended to be built on the “Laws of Nature,” thus, creating a perpetual and everlasting harmony between these two writings–our most sacred documents–that’s not what in fact happened. Instead, our Founding Fathers made one serious, very well hidden mistake, thereby causing an opposite effect. Eventually a major conflict between both documents would arise, thus, creating a paradoxical future for America. Thinking that America would always pursue a path that would lead to “a more a perfect union,” instead, our Founding Father’s mistake would lead America to a more “divided nation.” You see, our Founding Father’s one mistake would inevitably and eventually cause America’s guiding light, our society’s moral compass, to fade off into a memory of the past, thus, leading America towards a state of moral collapse as a society.

To be continued….


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