All Things Pursue One Direction–the Future

By July 20, 2016 Ideas No Comments
spiral clock future 1.1

Have you ever considered the fact that you can’t draw a straight line, or a crooked line, or a square, or any other configuration, without first starting to draw from a “beginning” point and continuing until reaching an “end” point? Does this not suggest that everything moves along a path, whether that be the path of life or the path of a planet around a sun, or the movement of the universe as it continues expanding outward? Would this not mean that all things are built on some structural foundation, where we are always moving in one direction, whether seemingly forward or backward? Does not everything move forward into the future?


All existence that is based on a structural foundation, therefore, moves along a perfectly straight line, it doesn’t matter what form of development occurs, nor does it matter how fast or slow development occurs, or if development twists or turns, nor does it matter what development relates to.  And finally, it doesn’t even matter if an object is stuck in one place. As long as a structural form of existence is in motion, whether internally or if it moves along some path, it is always pursuing the future.


For example, at the moment of the body’s conception development begins (both physically and mentally) and both will continue to progress through the birth process, throughout the course of one’s life. That this may happen at different moments, however, does not change the fact that both “evolved” while pursuing or following the same path relentlessly, that is, always moving into the future.


Consider a hurricane. Does it develops in two simultaneous directions? Or is that only what seems to be going on? In fact, both directions are one and the same.


As a hurricane’s winds turn in a circular shape, the winds are always moving forward into the future, but that is also true as the hurricane moves in a “forward” direction. So while a hurricane’s winds move in a counterclockwise direction, the direction those winds pursue is also always forward into the future. Thus, we establish the arrow of time.


The point is, part of the structure of existence, whether in a tangible or intangible form, is to always pursue the future, and always leave behind a record of the past, thus empowering the human being to learn from the past, both the story of the universe and the story of life. Furthermore, a person can’t learn much from the present, because the present is equivalent to fixed moment in time. As such, all that one can learn from a fixed moment (like a photo snap shot) is ” what was” a fleeting moment ago (assuming there is some duration to the moment). Without the ability to compare at least two moments in time, there is no foundation for learning, because there is no basis for comparison, and only through comparison can we see and measure change, thus learn and draw conclusions. Finally, you can never learn from the future, because the future never arrives. In conclusion, if you can’t learn from either the present or the future, we are only left with one place to learn from, and that is the past.


Without the past, man has no  way of learning, but without a future there would be no subject to learn about. As such, the learning process is only possible because of the universe, all of nature, and the story of man, always moving in one direction, that is towards the future.



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