An Open Letter to America

By February 11, 2016 Politics No Comments
New perspectives for open letter 1.4

The way I see it, America is a sick nation, and it needs to be fixed sooner rather than later. I know many of you may know that, because you see what’s going on. However, there is more wrong than meets the eye, and what I am referring to is hiding below the surface of things, and it has to do with the way Americans think. This is why the problem is so concerning to me, the problem is systemic, which is why time is so important. To change the way one person thinks is very difficult, ask any psychologist, but to change the way tens of millions of people think, well, that could take years, decades, even more than a generation. But we must try, because unless we do, I don’t think in the long term America can survive as the nation it once was, that is the “guiding light unto all nations of the world.” You must know that stature as the “light unto all nations,” didn’t happen by coincidence, it was the result of the way our founding fathers thought about the world, and because their thoughts about the future were guided by the same “moral principles” that set the stage for a young nation to eventually achieve a level of greatness that could never be matched at any time in human history.


But amazingly, if you think about it, America’s greatness, so far has only lasted for a mere one hundred or so years, that’s it. America became the leader of the world during WW I, that was exactly one hundred years ago. It’s been only one hundred years that America has been leading the world. The point is, that position, that stature, is almost gone, and the reason is something went wrong, and so, our leaders have their work cut out for them. There is so much that is broken in America, both in terms of our country’s physical infrastructure, but more importantly, what’s broken is our social infrastructure. However, to fix our beautiful America, we must first learn the cause.


One could contend that, “the guiding light of all human thought are the perspectives our minds rely on to think and reason with.” But herein lies not only America’s problem, but also the reason why the problem is so well hidden.  After all, who is aware of his or her mind’s perspective at any given moment in time? That requires a keen sense of self-awareness, and constant self-analysis as we go about each day’s activities.


A perspective is everything a human mind is aware of, or considering, from one moment to the next, which includes sometimes nothing at all, which begets a peaceful mind, to a single subject, or a whole bunch of subjects either just hanging around, or that make up a set of circumstances. But whatever constitutes a perspective, it is for the human mind both a field of view that defines a landscape, a picture, or a range of consideration that we use to think with. In other words, every perspective contained in the human mind results in a consequence, from a mind that is at rest, or in a state of peace, to a mind that is thinking about something. This is why understanding human perception holds the key to learning about human thought and human behavior, thus, it is the key to learning about the story of America, how our country began and how it wound up where we are today as a society. The relevance of human perception on the story of America, therefore, cannot be overstated.


A perspective determines the legitimacy of human thought, because a perspective determines the level of objectivity, and therefore the degree of integrity of human thought. As such, the foundation of truth can only be found through examining the perspective of an individual’s mind, but the same holds true for the perspective that formed some philosophical idea, or scientific thought, as well as the ideology of a society, large or small, and the same for the truthfulness of a religion. For this reason, the fact that all human thought and behavior are directed through the perspectives that prevail in the human mind, this is what we must learn about to understand the story of any person, and the story of any people, which of course means to understand the story of America.


A narrow perspective that contains a single subject may yield a logically correct answer to a question, but more than likely that answer won’t past the test of truthfulness. Truth must withstand the test of time. It is not only what must be achieved to form a “universally” acceptable idea, but is also reflected through the way an individual or tens of millions of people feel emotionally. Certainty begets knowledge of what the future holds, and to know that the future is certain, whether that future is good or bad, this produces the feeling of “acceptance,” and it is this feeling that must be established within the human mind in order to experience a feeling of calm, or a “state of peace,” and again, that is whether or not the future is good or bad. The relevance of a perspective is grounded on truthfulness. “Truthfulness, is the key to achieving the good life for an individual,” and the key to achieving a “more perfect union” for America. It all begins with a human mind’s perspective. TO ACHIEVE PEACE IN AMERICA AND THE WORLD, IT “DEMANDS” A GUIDING LIGHT THAT IS GROUNDED ON A UNIVERSAL TRUTH. It is important to note, “THE HUMAN MIND IS POWERLESS TO CHANGE THAT,” WHICH HAPPENS TO BE (IN MY HUMBLE OPINION) THE HIDDEN MESSAGE OF THOMAS JEFFERSON’S “DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.”


Who of our leaders has acknowledged publicly that America is broken because of some change that occurred to America’s ideology? If that happened, for sure, the problem was not “clearly” defined so that all can agree, thereby establishing the necessary common ground for our leaders to begin the long process of fixing our beautiful America. I believe I identified the problem, and I believe I have sufficiently tested the solution to the problem, thus, enabling me to see the pathway to achieving a new future for America.


I would like to suggest planning a conference for the purpose of exploring America’s ideology from every possible point of view, or “perspective.” I suggest the presence of leaders from both major political parties, I mean from the Democratic and Republican parties, along with Constitutional scholars, psychologists, and different scientists who explore the universe, and explore our earth, and leaders from every religion, including a voice for the atheist. Every major area of expertise relating to the universe, our earth and the human condition should be present, and all together try to find a common ground, a perspective that all people, of every religion, of every race can agree upon. That “perspective,” that “one guiding light,” I know will reveal the pathway that America and the world must follow to achieve the dream of all people, to live a life in peace.


President Obama just had a similar conference relating to the environment, however, it isn’t the environment where we must find our common ground with our fellow man, it is within the human mind that is the only place that matters, for it is the shared dream of living in peace that is our common goal with every human being, of every religion, every race, every society. That dream is contained within the fabric of nature, but it is only materialized within every human mind.

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