Morality Is Determined By Nature

By June 22, 2016 Society No Comments
darkness and nature 1.1

Inspired by the Jewish holiday of Shavuot (the days the Jewish people received the Ten Commandments–the Moral Code of the Hebrew Torah, and the Founding Fathers of America) in the immediate aftermath of the Islamic slaughter of 50 innocent human lives, I write the following:

Today America is confronting two wars, and both relate directly to the subject of “morality.”


Within America the moral war is between conservative moral values and liberal moral values. I submit there is an important difference between the two.  But America is also involved in a war with the religion of Islam (and I don’t mean only an extremist interpretation). This war too is defined through the moral principles of America’s founding fathers, which are stated in Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, in contrast to the moral principles of Islam, which are contained in the Koran, and other Islamic writings. Here too, there is a significant difference.


Before I continue I want to say this, …I’m no expert on moral principles, at least not in terms of being well read in any of these ideological, religious or philosophical ideas. However, I did read enough to feel confident about the legitimacy of what I am going to say, and the reason is, I looked at another source, a source which is the foundation of all human thought, a source which first established the universal moral principles. That source is nature.


I submit, the acts involved in human thought, that is, the act of wondering, the act of thinking, and the act of searching to find answers, always relate to the same two subjects which never change, even when some ideology intervenes in the process. Human thought is always based on the relationship between the human being and nature (man’s environment), and influencing human thought are past experiences, and the lessons of the past (which include the ideologies we believe in to guide our thinking). I learned that if we eliminate all human memory of our past lessons of life, and watch both the human mind and body together respond to nature, we can discover the “UNIVERSAL VALUES OF THINGS ESTABLISHED BY THE LAWS OF NATURE,” and that was long before the arrival of “Adam and Eve.”


The point is, the foundation of moral thought was established independent of the human being, those guiding principles were established within the very fabric of nature. That foundation, the sound principles of moral thought are therefore universal in nature, and cannot be changed by the free will of the human being. I submit, nature’s moral principles are fixed, everlasting, forever, and therefore, they apply to every human being regardless of religion, race, culture, gender, political affiliation or a person’s economic status, and because the human being cannot deviate from those moral principles and expect to achieve peace in the world, there can only be one set of moral principles for all people. Those moral principles must conform to the laws of nature, the only true common ground for all of mankind. (On a side note: If what I said is true, this is very profound, because this discovery not only leaves no room for human free choice, it is proof that nature is in control of the pathway that leads to world peace).


Here are two examples of nature determining human equality before the human being ever existed.


If you look up at any clear night sky, you will see, more or less, the exact same set of circumstances that have existed since the dawn of the universe, or to make it more convenient, just open to the first page of Google Earth.


Both a clear night sky and Google Earth, by no mere coincidence, show the same picture, both are comprised of darkness and heavenly bodies (our earth, stars, planets). I say “by no mere coincidence” because this set of circumstances is the “unchanging, fixed state of reality.” This is the only set of circumstances that is a reflection of an everlasting, perpetual state of things that can never be altered through the passage of time, which is why this set of circumstances is the only “human perspective” that is capable of revealing the one state of “facts” that can reveal both nature’s and life’s universal truths.


Here’s what I mean:


In the most practical terms…as your life changes, as you walk around each day, going from A to B, ….as our earth turns one complete circle every 24 hours, traveling at thousands of miles per hour, and as our universe expands at an enormous, unimaginable speed,… with all that is going on, in terms of reality, NOTHING MOVES ONE INCH. You see, relative to the seemingly infinite darkness that prevails, we are all fixed, nothing ever moves. Wherever a person travels, wherever our earth travels, wherever the universe goes on its long journey, nothing ever moved a single inch relative to the darkness. This is a universal truth of nature and a truth of life for every form of life, and the consequence of that fact are both stunning and profound.


In effect, with a mind that is stretched to the maximum of human potential, a mind that can see both what’s “inside the universal box and outside that box,” is that we can see that no human being is in control of his or her own destiny. We are all “equal,” all in a direct relationship with the darkness. For it is this state that controls the human journey through life, and dictates the permanency of this relationship.  It is also by no mere coincidence that this state of absolute pureness is a reflection of Abraham’s living G-d.


The point is, the true state of reality can only be revealed through a single perspective that guides the human mind, a perspective that again, is stretched to the limit of human potential, “a perspective that reveals all that is, was, and will forever be.” But very important, is the fact that is specific set of circumstances is a matter of recorded history by virtue of the state of reality that is visible to every human eye simply by peering up at the heavens on any clear night. This perspective therefore, tells the entire story of existence, for all people, and the entire story of existence for the universe. This perspective alone, reveals the common ground that all people share.


This perspective reveals the universe’s and life’s dependency on infinite darkness, and vice versa, and therefore, reveals a relationship that is sealed, everlasting through all of time. No other perspective that the free will of man can chose can tell the same story, the story of truth, which is why this perspective alone has the power to lead humanity to the fulfillment of the elusive human dream, to live in a world of peace.


It is the human mind’s reflection of both states together that can reveal the unchanging state of reality. So in truth, we live amidst two realms, a physical realm that is constant motion, constantly changing from one moment in time to the next, and a second realm that controls the motion of the physical realm, a realm which, in effect, acts as a paradoxical force, that keeps the universe fixed, unmovable and locked into a perpetual relationship with everlasting darkness. This is a realm that is both pure and empty, colorless, transparent and unwavering.

Somehow and someway, our universe came from the darkness, as such, it is the darkness that perpetuated the first ray of light, which is indeed very significant, because “the source of light is the darkness.” This idea is completely contrary to the way we were taught to think in western civilization. Yet, Google Earth shows the darkness?? And every clear night sky shows the darkness?? Duh!


First there was darkness, second the universe, third, life on Earth, and only after this order unfolded over time were the conditions “perfectly” established to beget the human species, the beginning of the generations of mankind. As such, through an everlasting mutual dependency on that order, the value of things was established through the laws of nature before the human being ever walked on the surface of the Earth.


It is because the human being is the only form of life that can think, reason, and care about what happens in nature and in the story of life, that places the human being on the very tippy top of nature’s values. It is the human being that is nature’s interpreter, and therefore, the purpose of the human being is to bring meaning into the world and meaning to the universe and meaning to the darkness “through interpreting the state of reality in truthful terms.” It is because every human life flows out of “nature’s order,” that established equal human worth before the dawn of our species. As such, it is nature that established the value of a human life, and not the free will of the human mind. In fact, the human mind, as awe inspiring as it is, does not possess the power to alter nature’s order, and therefore, it is not within human capability to change the worth of a human life (herein lies the division that separates the liberal from the conservative, herein lies the source of division between the world of Islam and the world of the Hebrew Torah, and the guiding principles of America’s founding fathers).


If a baby is born blind, and another baby is born with eyes that can see, both are equal in human worth, because both lives emanate from the same place as determined by nature. Track any human life’s genetic history back in time far enough and it will merge with every other human life. If you keep going further back in time, every human life will merge with the animal kingdom, then with fish, foul and plant life, and ultimately all things merge at that moment in time known as the Big Bang Event, the dawn of light, and the beginning of the universal journey, all of which emanated from the darkness. And so you see, equal human value was determined by nature, “through the order of things that is built on mutual dependency,” before Adam and Eve first appeared.


Thus, BY VIRTUE OF EVERY HUMAN LIFE EMANATING FROM A SINGLE SOURCE, ALL HUMAN LIFE IS OF EQUAL WORTH. THIS IS THE FIRST DECLARATION OF THE HEBREW TORAH, NOTICE THE ORDER OF THINGS: …”IN THE BEGINNING GOD (Infinite darkness) CREATED THE HEAVENS (the universe) AND THE EARTH (life).” Out of the story of life, comes the human journey, as well as human equality, whether the experiences of the journey are either defined through freedom or slavery.




Look at Thomas Jefferson’s words, “…life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  Notice the order of the words, …”life” is first, “liberty” is second, and “happiness” is third. This order isn’t by mere coincidence. The order was determined by nature, however, the point is, the order wasn’t determined by Jefferson. Is not happiness dependent on a person’s freedom (liberty)? Are not both freedom and happiness dependent on life? It is through the mutual dependency of all things that flow out nature that establish nature’s order and determine the values of life (at the highest value), the value of liberty or freedom (second in worth), and the value of happiness (third). Nature dictated those values, not man.


Every human experience (whether defined through freedom or slavery) emanates from a state of being, LIFE. In other words, life must prevail for an experience to occur, thus life is of the highest value, and because to live a happy life one must be free, thus, freedom or liberty is next in value. Happiness is a consequence of an individual’s freedom to choose, and both are dependent on life. As such, it man’s dependency on nature’s order that establishes moral standards, and gives rise to the level of mutual human respect that provides not only opportunity, but also the power to fulfill the dream of living a happy and peaceful life.


In conclusion, therefore, nature is in control of the pathway that leads to peace on earth, and that pathway was established through a specific order which was well established before the arrival of humanity. I submit, to acknowledge this universal ‘proven truth” is the first giant step all of humanity, together, must take in order to resolve human conflict, thus paving the way to the fulfillment of the human dream.


It is through this perspective, “In the beginning, (G-d) Infinite darkness created the (the Heavens) universe, and (the Earth) life,” that is the only guiding light that can reveal “the order of things, and the order of the story of evolution,” which determined the one law of nature that defined the future, that is, Life begets freedom, and freedom begets happiness, thus, it is only through the story of life, that created the possibility of living both a free and happy life.


Thus, nature established the value of things that determined the pathway to peace in the world. It is for this reason the value or worth of life must always remain in an non-negotiable status as it relates to the human condition, for to subordinate or to lower the worth of a human life for any reason, is to break the laws of nature that determine human morality–the guiding light that leads to world peace. To subordinate the worth of life, for any condition of life, is to lose nature’s guiding light, the pathway to achieving mankind’s most sought after and most elusive of all dreams.

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