One Year After the Iran Nuclear Deal

By April 8, 2016 Politics No Comments
obama real angry 1.1

Have you noticed that the President has had nothing to say with respect to monitoring Iran’s nuclear activities?


I unequivocally believe that Barack Obama’s intentions have been to destroy Israel (along with America). He perceives the strength of Jewish influence in America and wants to eliminate it in favor of the Muslim world. Furthermore, Obama thinks Israel is the main reason for conflict in the Middle East with his own Muslim brethren.


Barack Obama knows something that few secular or reform Jews know about the Jewish people, and that is, in a diverse or secular society, the Jew must lose his or her identity by eliminating the very purpose of Torah which leads to many of the world’s Jews immigrating to live in Israel. Obama knows that to the secular or reform Jew it is the Land of Israel and Jerusalem that is the binding link of the generations, not Torah. Barack Obama’s hidden (or not so hidden) agenda is to eliminate the State of Israel by destroying Jewish identity in America which will, in turn, assist in terminating the source of conflict in the Middle East.


I also think our President has the specific long-term purpose of destroying America’s world influence, and to accomplish this objective he had to alter the social and economic systems that together are responsible for America becoming the leader of the free world.  One of Barack Obama’s tools for social change in America, what he calls “social justice,” is the Reverend Al Sharpton. The evidence that should prove that I am right about this is this fact. According to various press reports, Sharpton visited the White House over 60 times during Obama’s presidency. Sharpton is a professional activist, who is best known for his great number of attempts to divide America between black-and-white. In effect, his purpose is to create escalated tensions that drive people apart.


When coupled with the moral breakdown of America, thanks to liberalism continually stretching the limits of permitted human behavior over the course of this generation, self interest began to dominate the way people think in this country, which includes too many of America’s leaders placing their own personal interest in front of American society. Barack Obama could well accomplish both of these missions during the two terms of his presidency.

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