The Madness of the Iran Deal

By September 11, 2015 Politics No Comments
US President Barack Obama, speaking of r

Yesterday in Times Square, at the rally in support of America’s Congress rejecting the Obama/Kerry agreement with Iran, one of the speakers mentioned that John Kerry was meeting with the AJC, so I want to remind David Harris and other AJC leaders that there are “exceptions to most rules,” and the Jewish nation in regard to the world is one of those rare exceptions. In other words, what applies to other peoples doesn’t necessarily apply to the Jews. Therefore, an objective response, a nonpartisan reaction to whatever Kerry says to AJC leaders in regard to America protecting the Jewish State must take this into account. THE JEWISH PEOPLE HAVE ONLY ONE POSSIBLE HOMELAND, AND ONLY ONE NATION TO COUNT ON TO PROTECT THE FUTURE OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE, AND THAT HAPPENS TO BE THE SAME PLACE, THE STATE OF ISRAEL, AND NOT THE UNITED STATES.

The “fact” is, Barack Obama and John Kerry’s agreement with Iran just proved that there is only one place in the world that the Jewish people can count on to be protected by a government, and that is the State of Israel. You see, Obama and Kerry’s agreement with Iran proved that the Jewish people as a nation can’t count on America, and so, what other government will protect the Jewish people. The only government the Jewish people can count on is the State of Israel, and no matter what John Kerry says, THIS IS THE ONLY TRUTH THAT MATTERS, ESPECIALLY IN REGARD TO IRAN DEVELOPING A NUCLEAR WEAPON. Here’s some evidence.

When the President of the United States doesn’t lower the American flag after four soldiers are murdered by an Islamic terrorist attack, he is delivering two messages to the world. The first, it’s as if the President is saying to the world that he doesn’t respect his own country or its military, and second, as the leader of a nation, he’s telling every potential Islamic terrorist that murdering American citizens just isn’t that important to him. But that’s true, it’s not a wild idea. In Obama’s agreement with Iran, he didn’t even care enough about the American lives that are sitting in Iran’s jails. Imagine offering Iran’s leadership so much, and he left behind the people he is sworn to protect, four American citizens. The State of Israel should count on America? The point is, whatever John Kerry says to the AJC about America protecting the Jewish people and the State of Israel, only a fool could count on. This is an objective, nonpartisan opinion, because it’s based on fact.

When the President of the United States is disrespectful to America’s most devoted friend and ally, the State of Israel, “on a number of occasions, without hiding it from the public,” the president is saying something to the world. He’s saying, in effect, “The State of Israel can’t count on me, no matter what I say.” This is exactly why Bibi Netanyahu accepted Senator John Boehmer’s bold suggestion of speaking directly to Congress in an effort to save the State of Israel from a nuclear Iran. He knows that Barack Obama’s words are hollow, meaningless, but also very dangerous. Yet, John Kerry expects the State of Israel to count on the word of this president?

When the President of the United States enters into an agreement with the leaders of a nation who have repeatedly announced to the world that it will destroy not only a friend and ally of America, the State of Israel, but also America, it says something about this president. It says the President of the United States is more interested in the future of America’s enemy than he is interested in the future of both America’s friend and ally as well as America. The State of Israel should count on the word of this president??

According to one news report, Al Sharpton, the most divisive man in America for the past forty years, was invited to the White House approximately eighty times, and clearly for one reason, “to divide America, because that’s what Sharpton does.” The State of Israel should count on the word of the president??

How many Americans voted for Barack Obama because they believed that under his Obamacare health program they could keep their doctor, only to find out after his election that he lied? MILLIONS OF AMERICANS TRUSTED THIS PRESIDENT WITH THE FUTURE HEALTH OF THEIR FAMILIES. The State of Israel should count on the word of this president??….

I could go on and on about this president. The point is, the number of “red flags” that this president has raised that should cause great concern and suspicion is long, which is why a mind that thinks clearly can only come to one “objective and nonpartisan conclusion,” and that is, when it comes to risking the lives of millions of people and a national homeland, only a fool would rely on anything John Kerry says to AJC leaders when it comes to America protecting the State of Israel.

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