The World’s Problem with Extreme Islam and the Solution

By November 18, 2015 Politics No Comments
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When Muslims around the world celebrate the holiday, Eid El Adha, they are celebrating a holiday that is in direct conflict with the story of Abraham’s life as stated in the Hebrew Bible, Torah. I’ll repeat, but will say it in another way. The Koran is built on an idea that “necessarily” would conflict and incite conflict with the Judeo Christian world. In other words, Islam is designed to create world conflict, and you can see this truth in this Muslim holiday, Eid El Adha.


You see, in the Hebrew Bible, or Torah, God chooses Abraham’s second son Isaac to carry God’s message of peace to the world, which was designed to be an all inclusive message. In other words, for Torah, to live in a world of peace, you have the right to be a Muslim, a Christian, a Hindu, Buddhist, even an atheist. All that’s necessary for Torah, is for “any person” to be a good, compassionate and respectful person, and if you question that, just look at the Ten Commandments (which were first disclosed to the world in the Hebrew Bible, Torah), and remove any reference to God, and you’ll see that God made it possible for even the non-believer to live in a world of peace. This is why these at least eight of the Ten Commandments reflect the perfect daily path for every individual, and every people to follow, if the agenda is to fulfill the dream of all people.


To “honor thy father and thy mother” is to sustain family unity from generation to generation. Then there are the commandments that require respect for one’s neighbor and to be respectful to all people. These help achieve meaningful life, and eventually lead to a world unified in peace and love, which is the fulfillment of the purpose of life. For these reasons, Torah’s message to the world at large is universal in nature, and I’ll repeat, it is a message for all people, even the atheist.


However, it was “1,900 years after Torah was given to the world” when Mohammed or his disciples attempt to rewrite world history by changing the story of Abraham, and instead of God choosing his son Isaac, God chooses his other son, Ishmael to carry the message of peace to the world. The point, a conflict with the Jewish and Christian world was inevitable, for world peace is only possible according to them if the entire world is built on religious Muslims.


The religion of Islam, therefore, is built on the objective of eliminating Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and atheists, and even the non-practicing Muslim from the world scene. This holiday, Eid El Adha, celebrates God’s choosing Abraham’s other son, Ishmael, thus, establishing an inevitable world conflict, it was only a matter of the passage of enough time. The point is, the religion of Islam is built on the objective of changing world history, through changing God’s message as “first” stated in Torah, which is achieved by first and foremost, eliminating the descendants of Abraham and Sarah’s son Isaac from the world scene, which is the composition of both the State of Israel, America, Europe and the Jewish Christian world. The proof of this objective can be found when comparing the story of Abraham’s life as set forth in the Hebrew Bible, or Torah, in contrast to the story in the Koran.


Just as it was with the Al Alqsa Mosque, designed to eliminate the possibility of rebuilding of King David’s Temple, by it being built on top of the Temple’s foundation (the Western Wall), so too is the Koran designed to eliminate Jewish history, by attempting to alter the story of Abraham, thus attempting to eliminate the message of Torah to the world–an all inclusive message, because it is a universal message, and the proof of both objectives can be found in the meaning of the Muslim holiday of Ein El Adha, for it is this holiday which is apparently for the purpose of reinforcing this message of conflict to the Muslim world, from generation to generation.


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